sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

Why do we celebrate birthdays? Superstitious origins of celebrations.

A number of possible superstitious origins for customs associated with birthday celebrations have been suggested. One source states that the tradition of birthday parties started in Europe. It was feared that evil spirits were particularly attracted to people on their birthdays and to protect them, they would be visited by friends and family, who would bring good thoughts and wishes.
According to Wikipedia, the Catholich church didn't accept this popular party until the fifth century, because it was considered a pagan celebration. Roman catholic church resisted to this idea for many centuries.
The traditional cake and the candles we have probably inherited from the greeks who used to offered this to their goddess Arthemis.Several other peoples and traditions have influenced our birthday parties nowadays.
The famous HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU song will be 200 years older in 2013. I confess I'm surprised. I thought the song was older....

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